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Victoria+Crossroads Connection Magazine

Delivered! Reliable, Sturdy Storage; Building for Deer Lease; Tiny House, More. Call Tom's Containers in Cuero & Goliad Now!

Oct 23, 2024 05:07PM ● By Dave Snell
Call this number now, 361-233-2847, for Tom's Containers.
☑️ Looking for reliable, sturdy storage space? Tom's Containers.
☑️ Need a building for a deer lease? Tom's Containers.
☑️ Thinking about a tiny house? Tom's Containers.
☑️ And you need it delivered and set up?
Integrity. Trust. Tom's Containers. Call 361-233-2847

Mark all those boxes and more with Tom's Containers in Cuero, Goliad, Beeville, Karnes City, Pettus, Sutherland Springs, and San Antonio! Call local owner Tom Pappas today, 361-233-2847

100% Satisfaction.
Pick the one you want, order it and have it delivered. If you don't like what you received, Tom's Containers will replace it or give you a questions asked!

✅  Friendly, Knowledgeable Service.

✅ New & Used Containers

✅ Custom Conversions creatively designed and perfect for an office, tiny house, deer lease or incalculable number of imaginative uses!

🔍 Tap the photos in the image gallery to get a closer look! 🔎

Beautiful interior and exterior conversions!

✅ Choose, Shop, Support - Local - First and Frequently

Contact your locally owned and managed Tom's Containers now!
Cuero - 2125 N. Esplanade   361-233-2847
Goliad - 322 Wright St.
Beeville - 2407 Airport Rd.
Karnes City - 306 W. Crews
Pettus - 10360 Hwy 181 N.
Sutherland Springs
San Antonio - 811 Roosevelt Ave.

Tell Tom your local Victoria+Crossroads Connection sent you.

Discover more:

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