Legacy Goods Christian Retailer is Open in Victoria! Save on your purchases of excellent items, caps, t-shirts, home accents, cards, seasonal items, much more!
Oct 17, 2022 05:27PM ● By Dave Snell
You've found it! The excellent, locally owned and operated (by Andrea Koenning!) Christian store in Victoria, Legacy Goods Christian Retailer at 5803-C John Stockbauer in Victoria! Your outstanding, fun, local shopping adventure isn't complete without choosing from the great selection of caps, t-shirts, cards, home accents, pet items, candy including delicious chocolates, Bibles, bags, socks, journals, seasonal items, much more. Terrific local shopping for adults and children! Present the coupon / ad shown in this article from your local Victoria+Crossroads Connection to take 10% Off your total purchase of regularly priced items! Just tap the green button below to download, print, present today, anytime!
Follow Legacy Goods Christian Retailer on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/LegacyGoods361 for more information about all the exceptional opportunities and possibilities!
Your local Victoria / Crossroads area neighbors are talking about Legacy Goods Christian Retailer:
WANDA Ulrey said "So excited to have Christian retailer in Victoria TX! Very friendly! Great Gifts!"
DEBBIE Phillips said "Great Christian store here in Victoria, TX!!!!!!!