Victoria Main Street Market Days Is November 21st In Downtown Victoria
Aug 06, 2015 05:45PM ● By Kayla Mayer
Food, Arts & Crafts, Entertainment! Victoria Main Street Market Days is coming November 21 in Definitely Downtown, around Deleon Plaza. Vendors interested in participating please contact Mary Helen Barrick, Executive Director, and/or Kim at 361-578-0060 or visit our web site for an application.
More About Victoria Main Street Program:
In October of 2010, Victoria was pleased to be recognized as a Provisional Texas Main Street City. This first step toward full designation was accomplished through over 400 hours of volunteer efforts, with more than 30 individuals participating.
Primary goals for the Victoria Main Street Program include:
• Completing the process of obtaining 501(c)3 status (status awarded February 2011)
• Hiring a Main Street Manager and Assistant to the Manager (Mike Sigg hired June 2011)
• Setting up a Main Street office on Main Street (Bill Wendlandt has donated space!)
• Securing funding to match those budgeted by the City of Victoria
Board of Directors
Constance Filley Johnson
John Brill
Patricia A. Tally
Helen Walker
Larry Clark
Past President
Torin Bales
Frank Reyes
Lidia Serrata
Bobby Leon
Camille Easton
Charles Alexander
Amy Mundy
Louise Hull Patillo
Pat McDonald
Ex Officio Members:
Emett Alvarez
Gary Burns
Dian Denker-Patterson
Dale Fowler
Jared Mayfield
Randy Vivian
Jeff Wright
Executive Director:
Mary Helen Barrick